Saturday, January 3, 2009

Friends of the Park Needs YOU!

Friends of the Park is holding it's first meeting of 2009 on January 19 at Pendleton United Methodist Church in the Social Hall. We really need some new active members and hope you will consider joining us. We just meet once a month and try very hard to hold those meetings down to one hour. Friends of the Park will need you more than ever since the Tax Referendum did not pass. In order for Veterans Park to move forward as planned, it is going to take all of us working together. If you care about the park and our children and our grandchildren, please join us for this meeting. We will be setting our goals for the year which will include among other things:

Completion of the entrance to Trotter's Trail
Promoting the sale of Pavers and Tiles for the Pavilion
Organizing Freedom Fest 09
Spring and Fall Maintenance Days for Barrett's Place Playground

Please visit our Friends of the Park lens at Friends of the Park

So, you see that we already have a good bit on our plate even more we meet and we need your help. A large percentage of our active volunteers are grandparents or have older children. We need everyone but it would be great to have some young parents with children who are enjoying the park now. We realize how busy parents are when they have their children involved in sports, etc. but this is just once a month meeting for 10 months as we don't meet in November or February. We only have one large fundraiser and that is Freedom Fest which is a lot of work but also a lot of fun!

We hope you will consider joining us and make a difference!
Thank you!

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