Yesterday was spent trying to absorb all that has happened to me in the last couple of days. I have truly been overwhelmed and just had to share some of my thoughts.
The Town Council and Mayor Carol Burdette were so kind to recognize the Friends of the Park volunteers who worked very hard on our Freedom Fest this year. We were able to raise over $7,000 for Veterans Park. After the recognition at the Town Council Meeting on September 8, 2009, the Mayor asked for me to remain up front. She began reading a proclamation for this day to be "Nancy Hellams Queen of Squidoo Day in Pendleton". I could not believe what I was hearing! This was followed by adorning me with a fancy robe, scepter, crown, roses, and sash. The mayor led me to my throne where I sat in complete amazement while those in attendance stood and clapped for me.
When I got in my car to come home, I called my sister to tell her the fantastic news and she began immediately to make a lens about it called
Pendleton Honors Squidoo And Ohme. The comments from all over the world from Squidoo friends and local friends were posted on this lens. It was so very kind of Joan to make this lens and to tell the world about what had happened. There was even a comment from the founder of Squidoo, Seth Godin.
Squidoo and Pendleton are my passions and the two great communities have only one thing in common and that is that both are filled with wonderful people. Squidoo has proven to be the perfect forum for promoting our little town and the town has embraced Squidoo. It always amazed me to look and see who has taken the time to read about what we have going on here. There have been times when I was concerned that Pendleton folks were getting tired of hearing about Squidoo and that Squidoo folks were getting tired of reading about Pendleton but both have continued to surprise me. My work on Squidoo is only successful because of the readers from Pendleton and from Squidoo lensmasters. I thank all of you!