Thursday, September 18, 2008

What Squidoo Can Do For Pendleton SC

I now have 5 lenses (mini web pages) about Pendleton. At the bottom of each lens, there are links to all 9 of my lenses. I would greatly appreciate your visiting all of them. The more traffic a lens has the higher rank it will get (hopefully) and the higher ranking, the more money it makes. The formula for rankings is top secret but they do tell you that traffic means a lot. If you are in the top tier (less than 2,000 overall, then your pay will be more. Right now I have 7 out of 9 in the top tier. If you look at the top right of each lens, it will state what the ranking is in that lens category as well as the overall ranking. So please continue to visit these sites on a regular basis and tell all of your friends. Now I am not talking tons of money but some and I am planning on donating any profits to Friends of the Park. Squidoo is very charity minded and donates a lot of money to charity. I am trying to get Friends of the Park listed as one of those charities. Notice at the top right of each lens and all of mine presently will read "Donates to Squidoo Charity Fund". Hopefully, one day they will each read "Donates to Friends of the Park". Each lens (70,000 plus) is encouraged to give a percentage of their income to a listed charity and then Squidoo gives a percentage of their income to charity. It is amazing the amount of money they have raised for some very worthwhile causes. The income comes from the ads that are listed on each lens as well as the sale of merchandise. I have really enjoyed being a part of the Squidoo community and hope you have enjoyed the lenses.

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